Win/weapon correlation info

Correlation between main primary weapon used and victory in round.

Example correlation coefficient values

  • correlation coefficient 0.06 of Deagles_x1 over 100 rounds where it was tagged could mean that
    • 53 were won by that team
    • 47 were lost
  • correlation coefficient -0.04 of Deagles_x1 over 100 rounds:
    • 48 were won by that team
    • 52 were lost
  • correlation coefficient 0.00 of Deagles_x1 over 100 rounds:
    • 50 were won by that team
    • 50 were lost

How is it calculated

  • each round's kill log is checked
  • if one player used a weapon for more than 50% of his primary-weapon-kills then tag for that team is created, eg SteyrAUG_x1
  • if there are two players in the team using mainly the same primary weapon in that round, that "team-round" will be tagged with SteyrAUG_x2 instead of two SteyrAUG_x1
  • win or lose tag is added for each "team-round"
  • entries are roughly like this for each round:
    • "game 123123, round 0, team Red, tags: SteyrAug_x2, Deagles_x1, win"
    • "game 123123, round 0, team Blue, tags: M79_x1, MP5_x1, lose"
  • rounds that ended with Tie are ignored altogether
  • data is filtered to only include balanced games from correct playlist (see "Parameters" section)
  • finally correlation is calculated between win tag and all other tags using Pearson correlation coefficient